‘Milk Tooth’ taps into the fantastical and dark world of childhood. Though it follows my two younger brothers Sacha and Jules, it is my own childhood that I revisit through their experience of growing up.
The project is set in the rural village of Laneuville-au-Bois in the Belgian Ardennes, where my family have spent their summer and winter breaks since my granddad was young. Many of the things he spent time doing as a child were repeated by my mother during her childhood, and by my siblings and I during ours. This shared experience of childhood has in some way served to build deeper ties to this place, to my family, and especially to Jules who I share an 11-year age gap with.
Bridging the age gap between myself and Jules opened up a space where his playful approach to the imaginary realm of shadows, and my adult perspective of our somewhat gritty world bled into one another to form a shared fantastical experience of Laneuville-au-Bois.